
Kenneth George Howell

May 04, 1962 - May 31, 2023


Obituary For Kenneth George Howell

It is with a heavy heart we announce the passing of Kenneth George Howell, resident of Grande Prairie, AB, who passed away peacefully on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, around 3:45 pm, at the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital. At the age of 61 years.

The family, friends, and relationships Ken grew in the past made such an impact on his life and are greatly acknowledged and forever treasured as a memory to be held forever in our hearts. The hockey-fueled, hard-working man we once knew will forever be known as a legacy to others. May we find closure in our hearts as we heal in grief holding onto these memories.

Ken leaves behind a heart-filled impact on his 3 children: Joanne Kataquapit, Casey (Cyrena) Kataquapit, and Brandon (Samantha) Kataquapit. He will be forever loved and the legacy of his life will be remembered by his mother Jane Howell. Many stories will be passed on to his grandchildren: Eli, Skylar, and Jaden Kataquapit. He will be remembered by his ex-wife and mother of his children Brenda Kataquapit. Ken will also be remembered in true grief by his close relatives: niece Allyson, and brother-in-law Jeff Foster. Ken will forever be remembered by his big brother Paul Howell and nephews Adam, Doug and Liam Howell.

Ken is forever resting in heaven with his father Lester Howell, sister Joanne Howell, and nephew Brad Howell.

A family-only graveside service will be held.

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  • June 06, 2023

    To the family sorry for your loss our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this sad time.


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